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Physiotherapy for Back Pain

Physiotherapy brings together a whole range of treatments (manual techniques, exercises, electrotherapy, thermotherapy, etc.) that your masseur-physiotherapist can offer during your rehabilitation. This health discipline intervenes in the prevention but also in the functional rehabilitation and is particularly interesting in the long-term relief of the back pains.

Back pain: the role of the physiotherapist
Physiotherapy techniques against back pain
Exercise against back pain

Back pain: the role of the physiotherapist
If you suffer from low back pain, your doctor will prescribe, in addition to the medical treatments adapted to your case, sessions with a masseur-physiotherapist . The content and number of sessions will depend on the cause of your back pain . To relieve pain in the lower back, the health professional will evaluate your diagnosis (with the order of the attending physician and the health examinations done until then), and will conduct a thorough examination of your column and your lifestyle.

The rehabilitation from a physiotherapist aims to relieve muscle tension and stiffness at first, and rebalance and re-educate muscle and joint chains in a second time. The first-line treatment in physiotherapy is massage , intended to relax muscle contractures. These reflex muscular contractions are caused by pain; by maintaining the inflammations, they contribute at the same time to maintain this pain. This is the vicious circle of back pain. As stated by the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS):"Although there is no study attesting to their effectiveness, massages can be offered at the beginning of a re-education session in preparation for other techniques".

Several physiotherapy techniques have proven efficacy against back pain. The transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS) has an analgesic efficacy demonstrated (as HAS). The physiotherapist will have electrodes at different levels of the back, which will then diffuse a light current. The electrodes provide a sensation of tingling which also has the function of warming the stimulated area and thus relax the muscles. This therapy can be performed in the office or alone at home using specific medical devices. Recall that the use of this technique in a physiotherapist is supported by the Health Insurance.

Among the physiotherapy techniques designed to relax contractures and muscle stiffness, thermotherapy can also be a good complement to treatment. In the case of back pain associated with reflex muscular contractures, the application of hot devices (hyperthermia) can bring relief.

As the sessions progress , your physiotherapist will also be able to offer you ultrasound therapy : thanks to a device emitting ultrasound, it attacks the "stiffness" of the painful areas. This technique of physiotherapy would be effective on the muscular and tendinous attacks: the ultrasounds, by a mechanical and / or thermal effect, cause targeted micro-massages allowing to soften the fibrous zones.

This physiotherapy technique has been proven in practice. However, the HAS believes that more in-depth studies are needed to prove definitively its effectiveness in the treatment of back pain.

The High Health Authority does not recommend ionizations (technique to add or remove electrical charges to molecules or cells) and laser radiation in the treatment of back pain, as their effectiveness "has not been demonstrated" in this indication. "The place of electro-acupuncture remains to be defined because it would have a short-term analgesic effect , " says the health authority.

The opinion of Michel Nezot, physiotherapist in Paris

Physiotherapy is a method that works well. It is applied to relieve and treat pain at the beginning of treatment. It is most often used on patients with chronic muscle relaxation. After one to six sessions, depending on the severity of the pain, the pain may disappear. The practice at home is possible but only if the pain is low or in addition to sessions with a health professional, such as a physiotherapist or an osteopathic doctor.

Exercise against back pain
Functional rehabilitation also has an important place in the treatment of back pain. Your masseur-physiotherapist will invite you to carry out targeted exercises adapted to your physical condition, in order to maintain the muscular and articular system at first, to reinforce it at a later stage.

According to Health Insurance, almost 7 out of 10 people think that you have to rest in case of low back pain. It's the opposite! The best treatment is movement, especially to prevent the pain from becoming established and becoming chronic. Of course, the exercise must be adapted, to avoid accentuating the pain. During acute pain, your physiotherapist may for example encourage you to practice walking and some daily stretching to maintain muscle and joint flexibility. Once the pain is under control, he will be able to refer to the best exercises to effectively continue your rehabilitation, beyond the office sessions.

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